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The Life and Times of Nehemiah #3. Nehemiah – A Man of Strength

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines


A. As we continue our study in Nehemiah, I again want to remind you of two passages:

1. Romans 15:4

2. 1 Corinthians 10:11

B. In our last lesson on the life and times of Nehemiah we showed how he was a man of concern by being a man of sacrifice, sorrow, and supplication

C. In this lesson we will set forth Nehemiah’s strength by showing how he confronted fear, enemies, reproach, and opposition. This enabled him to survey the work and get the people “fired up” and ready to build the walls around Jerusalem.


A. Fear

1. Nehemiah 2:2

a. Nehemiah was afraid because he was about to make a very important request of the king – to return to Jerusalem and rebuild its walls.

b. Nehemiah did not let the fear he felt stop him from doing what needed to be done.

2. It is not always easy to do the right things, and one reason for this is fear

a. We are afraid of not being popular so we do things we know the Bible teaches against

b. We are afraid of being rejected or made fun of so we refuse to openly manifest our Christianity

c. We are afraid of losing a friendship so we do not correct a brother who is in sin

d. The list could go on and on

3. 2 Timothy 1:7

a. “Fearfulness” (fear – KJV) comes from deilia and carries the idea of being a coward

b. This kind of spirit is not given us of the Lord – we are not to be cowards

4. How do we over comes this? … Note 1 John 4:18

5. To accomplish the work of God we must overcome fear as did Nehemiah

B. Enemies of the Work

1. As Nehemiah gets the okay from Artaxerxes to return to Jerusalem to rebuild its walls we see an attitude developing in Nehemiah 2:10

a. “Sanballat” would be the arch enemy to Nehemiah’s restoration efforts

b. Sanballat, most likely the governor of Samaria, had a hatred for Israel and would use what he could tostop this restoration (lies, mockery, deceit, cruelty, armed force …)

2. Today, we will also confront opposition

a. Many will oppose walking in the “old paths” (Jeremiah 6:16), and push for change – the Change Agents

b. Many are in great opposition to simply getting back to the Bible – and it alone

3. That’s why the Bible says we must fight:

a. Jude 3

b. 1 Timothy 6:12

4. Nehemiah was successful in his work for the Lord because he fought and stood for truth

C. Surveying the Work

1. Nehemiah 2:11-16

a. He appraise the damage

b. This allowed Nehemiah to prepare a list of materials needed and workmanship needed in accomplishing this great work

c. A wise builder plans his work – and such was the case with Nehemiah

2. We must be a prepared people as we do the work of the Lord and we do this through planning and looking to the future

a. Proverbs 13:16 … there needs to be some planning, some knowledge in what we are doing

b. 1 John 4:1 … here we investigation is important

c. Luke 14:28-30 … in doing the work of the Lord there must be appraisal, investigation, and planning

3. Nehemiah was successful in doing the work of the Lord because he planned his work

D. Countering Reproach

1. Nehemiah 2:17

a. To be a “reproach” carries the idea of being a shame or a disgrace

b. Nehemiah knew that as long as Jerusalem was in shambles – God’s people were a disgrace, and a shame to God

c. Nehemiah would fight to resolve this shame by involving himself in the work of the Lord

2. Today we can be a reproach or a disgrace when we allow the church collectively and we as individuals to become broken down and “lay waste”

a. We are a disgrace when we do not live holy and godly lives before God and man

b. The church is a disgrace when is does keep itself pure and unspotted from the world

3. Nehemiah countered this reproach by encouraging the people … Nehemiah 2:18

a. “They strengthened their hands for the good work” – that is, they embraced the good cause, took the good part, and set themselves to work heartily on the right side.

b. This is what it will take for us today to remove reproach and shame … 1 Corinthians 15:58

E. Opposition to the Work

1. Nehemiah 2:19

a. Sanballat and his cohorts set forth opposition to Nehemiah’s work for the Lord in three ways:

1) “Laughed us to scorn,” i.e. they were ridiculed

2) “Despised us” – from the Hebrew word buz expressing contempt that proceeds from pride and wickedness

3) “Will ye rebel against the king?” – charged them with rebellion, they were falsely accused

b. Today, the Lord’s work can receive opposition through the same means:

1) When we stand for truth we can be ridiculed as being legalists, mossbacks, unloving, traditionalists, etc.

2) When we stay true to the word of God we can expect to be despised, condemned, or hated by those who would rather do as they please

3) We may even be falsely accused as was Nehemiah, Jesus, and others who were following the commands of God

c. But Nehemiah did not allow this opposition keep him from doing the work of the Lord and accomplishing great things

2. Notice Nehemiah’s Response to Opposition

a. Nehemiah 2:20

b. Nehemiah responds:

1) God will be with us as we do His work … we will accomplish our work for the Lord

2) We will arise and build … we will not be intimidated, you can’t stop us

3) You have no business interfering with the work of God … fighting against God’s work and His servants is fighting against God Himself


A. If we would be more like Nehemiah we would be amazed at the growth of the church and our individual growth

B. In doing the work of the Lord we must:

1. Overcome fear

2. Realize we will have opposition

3. Prepare for and plan our efforts

4. Remove shame

5. Overcome opposition

C. Invitation