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The Life and Times of Nehemiah #2 – Nehemiah – A Man of Concern

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines


A. In this series of lessons it is our aim to notice the various characteristics and actions of Nehemiah that enabled him to be successful in his endeavors for the Lord.

1. We should want and need to be successful as Christians

2. Nehemiah will help us in this area.

B. Nehemiah was a man of concern, and as we will see, this concern was seen in:

1. Sacrifice

2. Sorrow

3. Supplication



1. A point that is often overlooked with reference to Nehemiah is the great sacrifice he made in work in Jerusalem

2. Consider Nehemiah’s Position and Property

a. He was a “cupbearer to the king” (2:1)

b. He amassed a considerable fortune, as may be inferred from the fact that he was able to serve as governor of Judah for 12 years without compensation. Not only this, but 150 nobles of the land ate daily at his table, in additionto the entertainment and sustenance he provided for foreign visitors (5:14-17)

c. Nehemiah was willing to give up a lucrative position and power in the palace of Shushan for the demanding task of removing reproach from his brethren and from Jerusalem – a challenge that consumed more than 12 years of life.

3. I am reminded of another great life of sacrifice …

a. Philippians 2:1-11

b. Jesus was willing to give up His highly exalted position to be a servant to mankind

4. Paul said we are to be of “the same mind”

a. In others words, we must live sacrificial lives

b. Romans 12:1-2

c. Are we willing to sacrifice?

1) Our time?

2) Our money?

3) Our wills?

5. Sacrifice is what it will take to make our lives and the congregation where we attend strong and pleasing to God


1. Showed Concern

a. Nehemiah 1:1-2

b. When we have true concern about others and the church we will inquire

c. How do we know what to do or what to pray for if we never ask about people

1) Genesis 37:14

2) 2 Samuel 18:29

3) Esther 2:11

d. How concerned are we about the church? Note Paul’s concern:

1) Acts 20:31

2) 2 Corinthians 7:12

3) 2 Corinthians 11:28

2. Could be Touched

a. Nehemiah 1:4a

b. This was not just a superficial emotional wound – because four months later Artaxerxes would be able to discern from physical appearance and disposition a distinct state of depression in Nehemiah

c. There is no shame in weeping – In fact, a real man will weep and can be touched with heartfelt feeling

1) David did … 2 Samuel 15:30

2) Ezra 3:12-13

3) Psalm 137:1

4) John 11:35

d. There are many things that will cause us sorrow (indifference, errors, opposition, pain, etc.), but sorrow is good because is one of the things that motivates us to help or change things

3. Determination

a. Nehemiah 1:11

b. Nehemiah was determined to assist his brethren and prayed to God that he might be allowed to do this.

c. It is a worthless sympathy which only prays and not be willing to assist in the endeavor.

d. That which is real will move the hands as well as the feelings and the lips

1) 1 John 3:16-18

2) Galatians 6:1-2

e. We must be determined people

1) 2 Chronicles 15:7 … in other words, don’t give up

2) Psalm 44:18 … consistent determination


1. An Example in Prayer

a. Nehemiah prayed in times of sorrow … Nehemiah 1:4

b. Nehemiah prayed when about to do something vitally important … Nehemiah 2:1-4

c. Nehemiah was successful in accomplishing great things for the Lord because he was a man of prayer

d. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

2. An Example Prayer

a. Nehemiah 1:5-11

1) Earnest Entreaty

a) “certain days” (v. 5)

b) “day and night” (v. 6)

c) “I beseech thee” (v. 8, 11)

2) Humble Confessions of wrong (vs. 6-7)

a) Confessed not only the sins of the people, but of his family and himself.

b) Men and women who are truly holy will be conscious of their own sins

c) We are always quick to blame others for their short comings, but should we not ask:

1/ what we did to contribute to the problem

2/ what we didn’t do to contribute to the problem

3/ what we are doing to help the matter

3) Power Pleas

a) Pleaded to the name of God (v. 5)

b) Pleaded to the promises of God (vs. 8-9)

c) Pleaded to their relationship with God …. “thy servants” (v. 6) and “thy people” (v.11)

4) A Particular Request (v. 11)

a) There is a need to be specific in prayer

b) It shows thought, concern, and faith

b. We should study the various prayers of the Bible to help us in our prayer life


A. Nehemiah was a man of:

1. Sacrifice

2. Concern

3. Prayer

B. Emulating Nehemiah will make us stronger in the kingdom