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The Conception of John the Baptist

Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Introduction: Luke 1:5-25

1. Read Malachi 4:5-6

1) In the final words of God in the Old Testament we read a promise that there would be more to come.

2) God would send the prophet Elijah to work among them again.

3) The very next event in God’s scheme of redemption is the beginning of the fulfillment of that promise. It takes place four hundred years later.

2. This hour we are going to study that opening event in Gospel history. It is the appearing of the angel Gabriel announcing that the time has come for Elijah to appear. This event opens the life of John the Baptist.

3. Read Luke 1:5-25


I. The Parents of John, 5-7

1. God used a priest.

1) Tied the New to the Old.

2) Confirmation that the message was from God. “The one that sits between the cherubim.”

2. God chose godly parents.

1) Righteous before God.

2) Walking . . . blameless. They lived their lives according to God’s will.

3) These were people like Noah, Abraham, David, Ezra.

4) These were examples of what Christians ought to be. Matthew 7:21; Romans 12:1-2

3. God chose a barren woman, well advanced in years, v. 7

1) Just as he would choose a virgin to bear His Son.

2) By this you would know that it was God’s doing. She was pregnant because God intervened.

II. The Announcement of John, 8-17

1. Zacharias was to burn incense, vv. 8-10

1) The priest for this duty was chosen by lot.

2) Would only be allowed once in a lifetime.

3) The incense represented the prayers of the people. They would gather for prayer at that time.

2. The appearance of the angel, vv. 11-12

1) Describe position of furniture and of angel.

2) Zacharias’ fear.

a. The Case of Nadab and Abihu. Leviticus 10:1-2

b. There is enough fear and trembling in offering worship to God without a heavenly visitation.

3. The angel’s message, vv. 13-17

1) Zacharias’ prayer heard, v. 13a, Isaiah 59:2

2) Zacharias will have a son.

a. By Elisabeth, the woman he has remained faithful to, though barren.

b. Zacharias will name him John.

3) Birth not a private occasion, v. 14

a. A time of joy and gladness.

a) A son!

b) Aged parents with no son are now blessed.

b. Many will rejoice at his birth.

a) In light of what will happen shortly.

b) Marks the coming of Messiah, Malachi 4

4) His consecration – a Nazirite, v. 15

5) His work, vv. 16-17

a. Turn the people back to God. See 1 Kings 18:21-24, 37-39

b. Prepare the people – Messiah is coming!

III. The Sign of John. 18-25

1. Zacharias wants proof, v. 18

2. The angel gives proof, vv. 19-20

1) Your age is no obstacle for God.

2) Messenger identifies himself. “Gabriel.” Daniel 18:16; 19-21

3. An event stamped in the memory of a people, vv. 21-22

1) The priest tarries. Wasn’t done.

2) Was to speak to the people. Numbers 6:24-26

3) He was mute.

4) The perceived he had seen a vision.

5) Where were you when you heard about . . .

a. JFK assassination?

b. Challenger explosion?

c. Bombing of Baghdad?

6) Temple service was at the very center of Israel’s life. Anything out of the ordinary would be noted.

a. There had been no bona fide vision for 400 years.

b. Zacharias was news – whether he liked it or not.

c. Most certainly it was noted when old Zacharias and his old wife had a son within the year.

d. Most certainly he was watched in case his muteness reversed itself. They wanted to know about the vision!!!

e. His muteness ended on the day he named his son. This was NEWS!!!

f. This was essential to John’s ministry. John did no miracles, John 10:41. It was these events that caused the people to hear John as a prophet.

4. Elisabeth Conceives.

1) She doesn’t know what happened in the Temple.

2) For them it’s life as normal except for Zacharias’ muteness.

3) Her reproach is removed.

a. According so some rabbis it would been grounds for divorce to be barren.

b. Homemaker without a home.

c. Considered a curse from God.

d. God is telling Israel that this child carries a message from Him.

Conclusion: In our text we have:

1. A great example of a godly couple.

1) Obedient to God.

2) A man faithful to a barren wife even though he would have been praised by his contemporaries for divorcing her.

3) God uses faithful men and women today in His scheme of redemption. It is a privilege to be so used.

2. An example of the faithfulness of God.

3. God confirming His Word through John.

4. In the opening event of the New Covenant confirmation that it is initiated by the God of Israel. Not some rogue sect.