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The Bible And Capital Punishment (3)

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3) Capital Punishment Doesn’t Work – It Doesn’t Deter Crime!

This is true to a certain extent, when it is not “quickly carried out” (cf. Ecclesiastes 8:11 – NIV). But it does prevent the person executed from ever killing again! Its ineffectiveness in preventing crime by others is an argument against our system of administering capital punishment, not the idea of the death penalty itself. Determent is not the only purpose, there is also the issue of “justice.”

Justice demands that the punishment “fits” the crime. As God explained when He proscribed the need for capital punishment: “For in the image of God He made man” (Genesis 9:6). Some crimes are so heinous, any punishment less than death is not justice!

4) Innocent People Are Sometimes Put To Death!

This can unfortunately happen but again this an argument that pertains to a system in which capital punishment is administered. It is not an argument against the idea of capital punishment itself.

In the Old Testament capital punishment could not be applied unless the crime was seen by two or more witnesses (cf. Deuteronomy 17:6). If a single witness made an accusation that proved false, it could fall back on him (cf. Deuteronomy 19:15-21).

Does God approve of capital punishment? We have seen ….

1) That God gave mankind the responsibility of carrying it out after the flood.
2) God’s own illustration of justice in the government He gave to Israel.
3) How Christians today are to acknowledge the right and responsibility given by God to governments to be His ministers in avenging wrath on all evildoers.

Certainly any civilized nation “abhors” violence and bloodshed, but civilization cannot exist with violence and corruption running rampant and when government fails to administer justice with punishment that fits the crime. How does God view governments that fail to carry out their responsibility to execute wrath to the evildoer? As with anything that takes away justice: Woe! (Isaiah 5:20-23). As with anyone who fails to fulfill their responsibility – they are cursed! (Jeremiah 48:10).


Many may refuse to accept what the Bible has to say about capital punishment. But let those who profess to be Christians and accept the Bible as the inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21) acknowledge that capital punishment is “ordained of God” (Romans 13:1).