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You Are The Light of the World Sermon – Profound Influence in Darkness

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you are the light of the world sermon

You Are The Light of the World Sermon Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the influence that Christians are to have in this present world. From Matthew 5:14-16.

INTRODUCTION: Matthew 5:14-16

A. When we moved past the beatitudes, we immediately saw that Jesus began to challenge people’s concept of themselves

1. “Ye are the salt of earth”

a. Salt is a preservative, an antiseptic, and seasoning

b. It is important to see that Jesus implies a tremendous contrast between God’s people as salt and the world which is sick, decaying and bland

2. Salt works because it is different from that to which it is applied

B. Today we come to another of the Lord’s challenging statements

1. Matthew 5:14-16

2. What did the average member of Jesus’ audience think when he said that. Was it:

a. “Oh, sure, I knew that!”

b. “Who, me?”

c. “What is this guy talking about?”

3. Whatever it was, I believe it was surprise, wonder, and probably at least a bit of amazement

C. Let’s look at this idea that God’s people – Ye are the light of the world

1. Before the rest of the sermon makes much sense, you must understand Jesus’ view of God’s people

2. Unless you see yourself and others as Jesus sees, what He says about the life of faith is hard to understand

DISCUSSION: [beginning of you are the light of the world sermon]


1. Just as in His statement about salt, Jesus implies something about the world it is in darkness

2. Darkness describes the condition of the world

a. Luke 1:79

b. John 1:5

c. John 3:19

d. Acts 26:17-18

e. Romans 13:12

f. Ephesians 6:12

3. Darkness describes that which Jesus came to overcome

a. John 8:12

b. John 12:35-36

c. John 12:46

d. 2 Corinthians 4:6

e. Colossians 1:13

f. 1 Thessalonians 5:5

4. Even more explicitly, the apostle Paul explains how this darkness affects man

a. Ephesians 4:17-19

b. It is the mind of man that is darkened and thus produces a dark world

1) Man hardens his heart against God

2) He chooses his own way and thus becomes ignorant of God and of God way of living

3) Eventually he becomes past feeling and when that happens his life is completely dominated by sin

c. That was the condition of the world when Jesus came and it is the condition of the world even today


1. It is God’s people as a source of hope to a dark world that Jesus had in mind with this statement

2. Consider what light does

a. –eliminates darkness

1) Enter a dark room and turn it on – notice what happens

2) It doesn’t even take a strong light

b. –exposes the darkness and that which darkness hides

1) Ephesians 5:13

2) John 3:20

c. –exposes the cause of the darkness – evil

1) When we shine as a light evil will be exposed – and will be see for what it truly is

2) Evil flees from the light by:

a) Disregarding it

b) Speaking evil of it – saying it is unloving, etc.

d. Light shows the way out of darkness

1) One in sin needs someone to turn on the light

2) One in sin needs someone to point them in the right direction

3. We function as light when the words and actions of our lives show forth the light of God

a. Two statements demonstrate that light is intended to illuminate 1) You can’t hide a city set on a hill – because in the darkness of night, you can see the lights a long way off

2) No one lights a lamp then covers it up – instead you set it where it can do its best work

b. If we are to be the light of the world, two things must happen

1) Our own lives must be illuminated by God’s light – Jesus Christ

2) We must live as people who are in the light of God

3) Ephesians 5:8

4) 1 John 1:7

4. Light can only do one thing – shine

a. Matthew 5:16

b. Note that the purpose of shining as lights is twofold:

1) So that others will see your good works

2) So that others will glorify God

3) The intent seems to be that those others will also receive the light and become lights themselves

CONCLUSION: [end of this you are the light of the world sermon]

A. The challenge Jesus presents with this statement is great because it summarizes all that God is and is doing in the world

1. 1 John 1:5

2. John 8:12

3. Matthew 5:14

B. You are the light of the world

1. Philippians 2:14-15

2. Will we accept the challenge of being a light in the world?