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“One Thing You Lack”

Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

All three of the synoptic gospels record the parable of the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22, Mark 10:17-22; Luke 18:18-23). Matthew’s account tells us the man was young, and Luke’s account notes that he was a ruler from a wealthy and socially prominent family. All three writers record that the young man was rich.

As the gospels record, the rich young man approached Jesus with this question:

Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” (Matthew 19:16; Mark 10:17; Luke 18:18).

Jesus first reminds him that God alone is good, subtly suggesting that attributing to Jesus a quality of God is to acknowledge His deity. The Lord then refers the young man to the Mosaic law, the standard of God for His people at that time. The young man was confident that he had obeyed all the law’s commandments and asked: “What do I still lack?”

Jesus provides him with an unexpected answer:

One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me” (Mark 10:21).

All three of the gospel writers next indicate that the young man “went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions” (Matthew 19:22; Mark 10:22; Luke 18:23).

While this account certainly gives us an example of the dangers of material substance, there’s another lesson here that is easy for us to miss.

Let us observe that Jesus did not question the sincerity of the young ruler’s inquiry, nor did the Lord dispute the young ruler’s claim of obedience to the commandments of the law.

Note that when the young man says, “Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth,” Jesus does not chide or correct him. However, what Jesus observes about this young man is indeed remarkable. He solemnly states:

One thing you lack” (Mark 10:21; cf. Luke 18:22).

Only one thing, we ask? Who among us could be examined by our Lord who knows every action and every thought (cf. Matthew 9:4; Matthew 12:25; Mark 2:8; Luke 5:22; Luke 6:8; Luke 9:47; Luke 11:17, and still be found with only “one thing” that needed fixing? If any of us could raise our hand to that, we would obviously be in pretty good company.

What is sad to see, is that this young man was found with only one major fault by our Lord, and yet he refused to correct it! Think of it! All he needed to do was remove the single obstacle that prevented him from following Christ, but he would not do it.

Just think — only one stumbling block — one weakness — one stubborn refusal to change, was all it took to keep this man forever apart from that which he truly desired — everlasting life. He was so close to his goal, and yet remained so far away. How tragic, the decision of this young man!

How many of us today are just one obstacle away from the Lord? How many of us could own the blessings of salvation and the promise of heaven if we would just remove the sole roadblock that prevents us from fully obeying the Lord?

If we would just have the willingness to remove “one thing” — whether it be self-will, pride, ego, power, prestige, fame, or whatever it might be that keeps us from obeying the gospel of Christ and being added to the saved (Acts 2:47).

Isn’t it heartbreaking to know that we could be so near to eternal glory — one simple, clearly defined step away — and then refuse to be obedient to the Lord that we might inherit eternal glory?

Brethren and friends, that decision would be the most costly and tragic decision of all!

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