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Lessons Learned From “Terror From The Sky.”

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines


1. I am sure none of us need a reminder of the sinister events of this past week. What we need a reminder of is some of the lessons God would have us learn from it.

1) Life is short.

2) Dedication to one’s beliefs.

3) Courage in the face of danger.

4) The effects of hatred.

5) The great need for the Gospel.

6) The need for vigilance.

7) The foolishness of trusting in anything but God.

2. While there are many lessons we could draw from the horrible experience we have just endured there are three I want to focus on this hour.

1) Sincere dedication to one’s beliefs.

2) The effects of hatred.

3) The great need for the Gospel. (Along with “courage in the face of danger.”)

DISCUSSION: We have learned a lesson about…


1. Those involved in this Jihad against us believe that if they die in the cause that they will awaken in a paradise where 10 virgins will satisfy every carnal desire.

2. What more proof could they give to prove that they really believe this?

3. Sincerity is not enough. It doesn’t make it true. 1 Kings 18:28, 38

4. Faith is based on evidence.

1) We believe Jesus’ promise of eternal life because He returned from the grave. John 11:25. He said He would. Luke 24:1-8

2) 1 Kings 17:24

3) John 11:42, 45.

5. What evidence could we give that we truly believe the Gospel. It will not be in seeking martyrdom. It will be in obedience to God’s commands.

1) When He calls us to worship, we worship. Hebrews 10:25.

2) When He calls us to holiness, we are holy. James 1:27; 1 Peter 1:14-16.

3) When He calls us to love our neighbor, we love our neighbor. Gal. 6:10.

4) When He calls us to carry the Gospel to the world starting with our neighbors. We carry the Gospel. Mark 16:15-16.

5) Anything less than obedience shows our unbelief.


1. We cannot explain this week’s events without identifying its root as HATRED. Genesis 4:1-8. Hatred causes murder.

2. The target was not an invading army. This was not retaliation in any right sense.

3. Can we watch villages rejoicing at our pain without understanding hatred as the root?

4. UNDERSTAND THIS: As Christians we are not allowed to hate in return! Matthew 5:43-48

5. In days to come we may be tempted to think hateful thoughts, say hateful words to or about those in this country that happen to be of Arabic descent or of Islamic religion. You may even be tempted to commit hateful acts toward them. While our nation’s government has the responsibility to defend our borders and bring the perpetrators to justice, we as Christian citizens are commanded by our highest command to love our enemies.


1. Its influence. Where the Gospel is preached advances are made in freedom. Society benefits as a whole. Terrorism is not tolerated. Knowledge of God’s Word changes a society.

2. Its preparatory effect.

1) It is the power of God unto salvation. Romans 1:16

2) This side of the cross no one goes to heaven without it. Mark 16:15-16

3. Think about the urgency in terms of the recent events. 2 Corinthians 5:11; Acts 17:30-31

1) Several hundred firefighters and police officers arrive at the towers. The towers are engulfed in flames. Tens of thousands may be trapped.

2) These heroes ignore the danger and rush in. They gave their lives because others needed rescue.

4. When you leave this place look around.

1) Look at the people: in the cars, in the houses, in the businesses, in the parks.

2) Imagine a destination tag on their foreheads. In bright red letters. HELL.

3) They are in need of rescue. They are on the fast track headed there. Life is so short. They need rescue now.

4) They need dedicated men and women to come; Christians who know the sacrifices to be made, but go anyway.

5) This is our commission. Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-47.

6) Can we do any less than those brave rescuers?

7) Can we do any less than our Master? John 15:12-13; Romans 5:6-8


1. Perhaps the one good that will come of our national tragedy is that we will learn some lessons from it.

2. We can learn lessons about dedication to one’s beliefs.

3. We can learn about the effects of hatred.

4. We can learn about the great need for the Gospel.