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Sermon on Matthew 5:17-20 | Jesus’ Mission and the Old Testament

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Matthew 5:17-20


A. There are many today in the church who believe that sermons ought to be characterized more by positive presentation than by negative correction.

1. But, Jesus’ own sermons demonstrate otherwise.

2. Beginning in Matthew 5:17, Jesus begins a lengthy discourse directed against those religious leaders who were guilty of perverting Old Testament teaching.

B. The scribes and Pharisees were accusing Jesus of speaking evil of the Law of Moses, and that He came to destroy the law.

1. But Jesus did not come minimizing or ridiculing the law; for He knew that the law was holy, just and good

a. Psalm 19:7-11

b. Psalm 119:105

2. These Jews had a misconception concerning the law, which led to their false accusations

3. Jesus in Matthew 5:17-20, is going to give deeper insight into His mission and the purpose of the Old Testament.

C. Matthew 5:17-20

1. These verses really serve as an introduction for what is to follow in Matthew 5:21-48

2. Matthew 5:20

a. This verse sets the stage for Jesus’ main point throughout all of this, i.e. that the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees (their doctrine and practice) was not synonymous with true righteousness that pleases God.

b. These Jews definitely possessed religious enthusiasm (like many brethren today who are caught up in the latest fads), but their actual practice of religion was fraught with ignorance

c. Romans 10:1-3



1. Because Jesus’ teaching was so much different from that of the scribes and Pharisees, they held that He contradicted the Law of Moses.

a. Jesus’ teachings did contradict the Judaistic religion of His day, but it did not contradict Mosaic teaching.

b. The Lord’s work was a logical sequel to Old Testament religion.

2. To clarify this misconception, in one dramatic and sweeping declaration, Jesus affirms His positive relationship to the Old Law

a. Matthew 5:17

b. Our Lord’s relationship to the Old Law was one of fulfillment

c. Paul said … Romans 10:4

d. Jesus brought the Old Law to completion. Thus…

1) Hebrews 8:13

2) Hebrews 10:9

e. The Old Law was indeed a divine instrument designed to accomplish divine purposes, but now it was time for the new law.

3. Jesus did not come to “destroy” the Law

a. “Destroy” comes from katalusai and means to overthrow, deprive of success, bring to naught, discard, or invalidate”

b. In other words, Jesus’ life and work was not designed to put down or frustrate the Law’s plan and purpose

4. Rather, His mission “fulfilled” or completed the Law

a. For the Law foretold the coming of the Messiah

1) There are approximately 330 prophecies concerning the Christ found in the Law and the Prophets

2) For example, Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19

b. For they foretold the coming of the kingdom of God

1) One example is Daniel 2:44

2) Jesus proclaimed the fulfillment of that prophecy was now at hand – Mark 1:14-15

c. For they also foretold the establishment of a new and different covenant for the people of God

1) See Jeremiah 31:31-34

2) That Jesus brought in this new covenant is confirmed in Hebrews 8:6-13

6. The Old Law was never meant to be permanent, but was to be temporary.

a. The Old Law had done its job…

b. Galatians 3:19-25

7. Thus, Jesus said … Matthew 5:18

a. Jesus tells us that Old Law would remain intact and fully functional until every “jot” (the smallest Hebrew letter) and “tittle” (the smallest stroke in the Hebrew) be fulfilled.

b. In other words the Old Law would not pass away until every precise point, no matter how small, is fulfilled.

c. Colossians 2:14 … at the cross all was fulfilled!


1. Matthew 5:19

2. The Jewish leaders in particular were reckless, inconsistent, flippant, and outright disobedient in many areas of God’s law.

a. These Jewish leaders were disobedient, and taught others to be such.

b. This is a sorry approach to God’s law!

c. Too many in the Lord’s church today are NOT concerned about being right in all points

3. Those who do such things are “least in the kingdom of heaven,” i.e. regarded lightly and with contempt.

a. BUT, those who obey, and teach others to obey are “called great in the kingdom of heaven!”

b. Some preachers today say, “We don’t sweat the small stuff!”

c. But Jesus said we ought to be concerned about even the smallest points in God’s law!

4. We must be concerned about sound doctrine!

a. Jude 3

b. Titus 1:9

c. 2 Corinthians 13:5


1. Matthew 5:20

2. If we are going to be pleasing to God, our righteousness MUST exceed in quality that of the Pharisees!

3. Notice three things concerning the ARTIFICIAL righteousness of the Pharisees that we must avoid:

a. First, they disobeyed

1) Hebrews 5:8-9

2) Obedience can not be over emphasized

b. Secondly, they taught others to transgress

1) 2 Peter 2:1

2) Here James 3:1 comes into play …

c. Thirdly, they were hypocrites

1) Matthew 23:1-3

a) The things they taught right they would not practice

b) Practice what you preach

2) Romans 2:21-24

3) We must live up to the name Christian!!!


A. It is a must that we understand our Lord’s relationship to the Old Law

B. It is a must that we understand that the Old Law has been fulfilled, and that we are no longer under the Old Law

C. And it is a must that we understand that we must be obedient to God’s law.