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Genesis 9:18-29 – The Curse of Canaan

Categories: Bible Study Lessons

The main purpose of this passage is not to discuss Noah’s drunkenness or to speculate as to what evil was done to Noah or to spark discussion on why Canaan was cursed and not Ham. The main purpose is to convey a fact. That fact is that Canaan was cursed. As Moses is relating this fact to the children of Israel it was not important for them to have all the details of the case but they were preparing to go and destroy the Canaanites and needed to know this fact. It was important for them to know that those people were living under God’s curse.

Some have suggested that there was homosexual behavior involved, that it would need to be something that egregious to warrant the cursing of a child. Let me explain, however, the position of Noah. We see in Noah a father and relate him to our fathers today. He was much more, though.

  • He was their prophet. The people of Noah’s day had no word from God except through Noah.
  • He was their priest. There was no remission of their sins without the service of Noah.
  • He was their king. What Noah said was law.

Noah required the respect of his sons in all things. To disrespect Noah was to disrespect God. Perhaps this, in some way, explains the cursing of Canaan.

It may very well be the case that this is the first case of drunkenness because this is the first case of fermentation. Perhaps it was the case that Noah had no idea about the effects of fermentation. Perhaps this was caused by a change in the climate after the flood. However this case certainly serves as an object lesson for us. Drunkenness leads to disaster.

We commend Shem and Japheth for the respect they showed to their father. They are an example for us not to take advantage of the weaknesses of others.