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Genesis 6:1-4

Categories: Bible Study Lessons

The attention of Israel is now turned to that which is among the greatest object lessons of all time. This lesson is designed to teach all generations that God will not tolerate sin. He will punish the sinner. The lesson is The Great Flood.

The inhabitants of the earth have become increasingly corrupt since the sin of Adam with no relief in sight. The hearts of men have grown hard and what once was a remnant of righteousness on the earth has dwindled to one. The righteous have foolishly intermarried with the unrighteous. With the human race in such a state it is left to God to rescue them from depravity. God demonstrates His sovereignty, power and even His mercy in bringing about destruction on the earth.

The Nephilim are mentioned in this text. They are also mentioned in Numbers 13:33. They seem to be men of great stature and might. There are those that believe that they were produced by unions between angels (“sons of God” [Gen. 6:2]) and human women (“daughters of men” [Gen. 6:2]). However great stature and might do not necessarily indicate a super-human. (Note Goliath [1 Sam. 17:4] and Og, king of Bashan [Deut. 3:11].) Also to be considered is the statement of Jesus to the effect that angels do not give nor are given in marriage (Matt. 22:30).

If the “sons of God” are not angels (and they’re not) then they must be men called “sons of God.” Chapters 4 and 5 of Genesis have outlined two lines of men. The line of Cain who continued in the way of Cain and the line of Seth among whom were those who called upon the name of the Lord (Gen. 4:26). So, the men of the line of Seth (the “sons of God”) noticed that the daughters of men (those of the line of Cain) were fair and married them. The ruination of the human race by this practice is left for a lesson to the the generations of men for all time.