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Developing a Saving Faith

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A. The Bible is very clear as it speaks to the importance of faith

1. Hebrews 11:6

2. Ephesians 2:8

3. Galatians 3:26

4. Romans 5:1

B. There are many kinds of faith mentioned in the Bible.

1. There is a faith that is simply belief, but this is not a saving, nor is it a faith that is pleasing to God.

a. James 2:19

b. Matthew 7:21

2. The word “faith” sometimes refers to the whole system of faith.

a. Ephesians 4:4-5

b. Jude 3

3. The faith that we are discussing in this lesson is “personal faith.”

a. A true biblical personal faith is of the greatest necessity to be saved.

b. Again … Hebrews 11:6

c. This being true, it is of the greatest importance that we develop a proper faith.



1. Most people have some kind of “family” religion.

a. This is the religion that one gets from his parents, grandparents, or some other family member.

b. We are expected to “follow in their footsteps” in religion.

1) Like our political affiliation ……

2) If our parents were Republicans, then they would expect us to be the same.

c. But, many will say, “We are not suppose to question the family religion.”

1) They would say, that to do so, would offend our ancestors.

2) Some would say, “It would be a slap in my parents face to question our family religion.”

2. We need to realize that an inherited religion may be wrong!

a. An inherited faith is not a sound basis for our religious faith.

b. Do you remember the apostle Paul and his situation before conversion?

1) Acts 23:1

2) Acts 26:9

a) Paul agreed with putting Stephen to death (Acts 8:1)

b) Acts 9:1-2

3. Thus, we can see that family religion may be comforting, but still be wrong!


1. This comes about by early teaching in the home, in Sunday School, in church, and by friends and family.

2. The real problem in all of this is that our indoctrination may not be the truth.

a. No matter how well we have been taught, no matter how well we may know the material, if it is not the truth, it cannot be the basis for a saving faith!

b. Our indoctrinated faith may not be the faith of God!

3. This has been true of others in the past

a. Romans 10:2-3

1) Many are working hard but they are wrong

2) They have been taught wrong

b. Acts 26:5-9

1) At one time Paul’s religion was not correct

2) The religion he was indoctrinated in was not correct

4. We must beware …….


1. A questioning faith is when begins to wonder WHY we are what we are, or why do we believe what we do?

a. This is very important – to have a questioning faith.

b. Nothing should be excepted “just because.”

c. Many even in the Lord’s church do not know why we practice what we do!

d. We need to know WHY our practices are not like other religious organizations of our friends!

2. Neither they or we should accept any religious practice without a “thus saith the Lord.”

a. A religion that will not stand examination – is the wrong religion.

b. Truth has nothing to fear – even from the most exhaustive examination.

3. We need to question our faith and go to the right source.

a. Acts 17:11

b. John 5:39

c. Isaiah 8:20

d. Isaiah 34:16

4. Remember … 1 John 4:1

a. Jeremiah warned … Jeremiah 5:31

b. Jeremiah 29:8-9


1. This is when the God’s faith has become our’s – personal.

a. It may or may not be the faith we inherited

b. It may or may not be the faith we were indoctrinated with.

c. But this faith will result from our questioning faith.

1) By questioning our beliefs

2) By questioning our practices

3) By comparing them to the Bible

2. Owned faith is the only one that we can depend on for salvation.

a. This faith should leave no doubts

b. This faith will fear no questioning

c. This faith will stand in judgment

3. So we understand that faith, an owned faith, or a saving faith comes by:

a. The word of God … Romans 10:17

b. Works of obedience … James 2:26