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Dear Preacher….

Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The following article by Brother Ken Joines, retired preacher living in Southaven, Mississippi, is reproduced in its entirety from the January-March, 2010 – Volume 32; Number 1 issue of the Magnolia Messenger.

In his article, Brother Joines emphasizes the great need for preachers to preach more of the “good news” of Christ as Savior, as Philip did for the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:35-NKJV, and less about less significant topics. I’ve added some links to related articles.

Brother Joines’ Article:

“Dear Preacher: “I’m a member of your audience and I sit before you this morning with a heart that is troubled. Oh, you can’t see my desperation by looking at me: I’ve learned to hide my feelings so deeply that sometimes I fool even myself. The people who sit on either side of me would be surprised to know that I often walk the floor at night and cry.”

“I’m a husband whose marriage is falling apart and I can’t seem to do anything to stop it.”

“I’m a teenager who is in serious trouble at school and it’s only a matter of hours until my parents are notified and then I don’t really know what will happen to me.”

“I’m a senior citizen and our doctor has told us that my wife cannot possibly live more than a couple of months.”

“I’m a successful businessman and I’ve gotten everything I wanted in life, but it isn’t enough.”

“I’m a parent whose adult child is in the far country and we’re so far apart spiritually that we don’t believe she’s reachable.”

“I’m a single and have just invested everything I have and am in a relationship with another person who walked away without even looking back.”

“I’m an abused wife who often covers my bruises with makeup. I am terrified to stay but I don’t want to leave and lose my children.”

“I’m blue and depressed and don’t even know why, but I can’t live like this much longer. I can imagine the shocked reaction of the people here in this pew if I told them I have seriously considered suicide. Or maybe they wouldn’t be shocked; maybe they have, too.”

“So preacher, when I sit in front of you Sunday after Sunday, I do not care to hear a few thoughts on Transactional Analysis, or a theological exhortation on Evolution. I don’t care to hear you share a few thoughts you gleaned from the Internet on Saturday night. I don’t want to hear you review the latest book on new trends for growing a church in our modern culture. I don’t even want to hear you beg for money for the new Fellowship Hall. I don’t want to hear a dry, generic message you got off the Internet — I can read those things for myself, and often do. This church would be stronger if you just shut down your Internet connection and opened your Bible and delivered its message to us.”

“I’m empty and I feel useless. My question to you is the same asked by a King a long time ago to the prophet Jeremiah: ‘Is there any word from the Lord?’ (Jeremiah 37:37-NKJV).

We preachers need to do what evangelist Philip did for the Ethiopian long ago (Acts 8:35-NKJV) — just preach Jesus. The Bible is relevant and fresh. Jesus is a friend of the believer (Luke 7:1-10-NKJV). He is a friend of the doubter (Luke 7:18-35-NKJV). Jesus is a friend of the sinful (Luke 7:36-50-NKJV). He is a friend of the lost (Luke 8:1-15-NKJV). Jesus is a friend of the fearful (Luke 8:22-25-NKJV) and He is a friend of the desperate (Luke 8:40-56-NKJV). Tell us these things more often. We need to be reminded.

So many times in my 50+ years of ministry, I failed to do this. I can see now that I often preached the wrong thing to the people. Here’s what I mean: If the offerings are low, we don’t need to preach about giving — we need to preach Jesus. When attendance is down, the people don’t need a sermon about absenteeism — they need to hear about Jesus. So much of what is called “gospel preaching” is not good news at all.

The really Good News (gospel) is: Jesus is the Son of God, my Lord and my only Savior. He loves me enough to suffer and die in my place. He walked out of His own grave, defeating death, my worst enemy, ensuring my own resurrection. He will forgive all of my sins if I will obey Him. He gives me strength every day to do what I need to do. By His grace, I can successfully live the Christian life. He will come again and receive me unto Himself and I will live forever with Him in Heaven — now THAT is good news!!! And the people deserve to hear it.

The word of God is full of good sermon material. Preachers need to open the Book of God and tell the people what’s in it. Elders who are truly shepherds, will demand that their preacher feed the people with this pure, solid spiritual food, not spiritual fast food.