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Blessed Are They Which Are Persecuted

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Blessed are they which are persecuted… Sermon outline by Tom Moore from Jesus’ statement in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:10).

INTRODUCTION: Read Matthew 5:10

A. Today we come to the last of the beatitudes – Matthew 5:10

B. We have been looking at the beatitudes as they relate to faith

1. The beginning of faith – poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek

2. The development of faith – hungering and thirsting after righteousness

3. The maturing of faith – the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers

C. Now we come to the beatitude that speaks to the testing or proving of one’s faith – persecution

1. Christians should expect their faith to be tested

2. 1 Peter 1:6-7

3. It is important to know what Jesus spoke about so that real faith can exist among us

DISCUSSION: Blessed are they which are persecuted


1. There is a difference between being persecuted and being punished for some misdeed

a. 1 Peter 4:14-16

b. Peter makes it clear that a Christian who is punished for a crime, or even if you are chastised for being a busybody, that is deserved and it has nothing to do with what Jesus discussed

c. The blessing derived from persecution is altogether different from that

2. Based on Peter’s statement, we might list some other forms of reproach that are not the persecution Jesus meant

a. Jesus didn’t mean persecution arising because you are difficult, hard to get along with, or objectionable in conduct

1) I have known people who were simply ugly, mean folks who thought that’s what it meant to be a Christian

2) If that’s you, you deserve for people to give you a hard time

b. Jesus didn’t mean persecution arising because you are weak in faith, immature in your actions, and unwise in the conduct of your life

1) There are people who do really dumb things and are amazed that it backfires on them

2) If you are shocked at the effects of weak faith on your life, then you need to know also that there is no particular blessing headed your way for being foolish

c. Jesus didn’t mean persecution arising out of fanatical religious belief or behavior

1) Many people know us as the folks who think we’re the only ones going to heaven, and everybody else is going to hell

2) We deserve a hard time if we’ve used that idea to badger people and beat them up religiously

d. Jesus didn’t mean persecution arising for being good in behavior

1) Truthfully, even the world usually appreciates people for doing good things for others

2) None of these things are what Jesus discussed


1. Look at the whole statement Jesus made

a. Matthew 5:10-11

b. Jesus names two reasons for this persecution:

1) For righteousness sake

2) For My sake

2. We must understand that this persecution is that which comes for specific reasons

a. Consider a few quotes

1) Wiersbe – “The world has no problem accepting and following a religious leader who permits them to stay in their sins; but they will crucify the man who dares to point them to a narrow gate that leads to a narrow way.”

2) Wiersbe — “Jesus was different, and a world that thrives on conformity cannot tolerate differences. We are children of light, and they are children of darkness. We are alive in the Spirit, and they are dead in sins. We live by faith, and they live by sight. We understand them, but they do not understand us.”

3) Wiersbe — “Let a man announce that he belongs to a religious group – be it Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or what have you – and few people, if anybody, will get upset. But let him announce that he is a Christian, let the name of Christ come into the conversation, and war is declared.”

b. Consider the testimony of Scripture

1) John 15:18-21

2) 2 Timothy 3:10-12

3. Jesus meant the persecution that comes from following him, putting your faith in him, and having your life changed by him

a. The person who lives the beatitudes will be persecuted because he or she will be different from the world

b. Think of just a few basic differences

1) Poor in spirit – won’t operate out of pride or arrogance and so will be susceptible to the power hungry of the world

2) Mourners – they mourn over their own sins and sins of others, they do not gladly participate in them

3) The Meek – these are the gentle people who are so often misunderstood and who take a lot of the world’s abuse

4) Those who Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness – they are after an entirely different set of values and behavior

5) The Merciful – these are people who refuse to take revenge, who deal with others in a way different from the world

6) The Pure in Heart — these do not mix with the world, and make every effort not to be stained by the ways of the world

7) The Peacemakers – these are the ones trying to bring about the will of God among the people of the world

c. Consider all these characteristics in light of the two reasons for being persecuted

1) Righteousness

2) Jesus Christ

d. Put that kind of person into the world and persecution is bound to come


1. Consider the following

a. Romans 8:35-39

b. 2 Corinthians 4:8-18

c. Revelation 2:8-10

2. Persecution is the proof of faith for two reasons

a. Of the beatitudes, it is the only one that is not an internal characteristic of the disciple, but one which he or she must endure from others

b. Persecution demands that all the other beatitudes are at work in a person’s life

c. Therefore the ability to withstand persecution (for righteousness’ sake and for Jesus’ sake) proves our faith


A. Are you going through any persecution?

1. Make sure it isn’t because of some negative thing you are bringing upon yourself

2. Make sure it is the outworking of your faith – persecution that rises from righteousness and following Jesus Christ

3. Make sure it is because your life is different from the world, just as the life of Jesus was different from the world.

B. Persecution will prove your faith

C. Blessed are they which are persecuted.