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Biblical Submission, The Example of a Submissive Wife

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Submissive Wife Bible

INTRODUCTION: Read Eph. 5:22

1. Many in the world scorn the notion of a Patriarchal society, along with the idea of a wife submitting to her husband.

2. There is no doubt, though, that the Lord teaches that a Christian wife is to be in submission to her husband.

3. The Bible is saturated with teaching about submission.

1) To father and mother, Eph. 6:1-3.

2) To authorities, Rom. 13:1-7.

3) To God, James 4:7.

4) To elders, 1 Pet. 5:5.

4. Submission in these cases is much less of an issue.

1) Because of power to require us to submit.

2) Because of age and aura of authority.

3) Because of actual superiority.

5. The submissive wife becomes an example, not just to wives, but to us all.

1) Husband has no authority to make her submit, either by the Bible or the law.

2) She is likely equal in mental ability.

3) Likely equal socially.

4) Sam Colt made us all equal physically, more or less.

5) She submits because of devotion. For the Christian wife first devotion to her God, then devotion to her husband. She makes herself lowly, yet exalted.


I.   She is an Example of Submission and Longsuffering.

1. She is devoted when the husband is immature, when money is short, when the kids are a bit out of control.

2. 1 Cor. 15:58.

II.  She is an Example of Submission at the Crossroads.

1. When husband and wife can’t agree, someone must give and go with the other.

2. Don’t agree with elders?, parents?, the law?, the Lord?

3. Look to the Christian wife and her example of faithfulness at the crossroads.

4. Matt. 8:9ff.

III. She is an Example of Submission Under Fire.

1. When husband orders wife against her conscience.

2. She can be submissive and still when something’s morally wrong she can say…(Acts 5:29).

3. So must we when government or parents, or elders command the immoral.


1. Those women who understand that Biblical submission is not degrading or demeaning have the opportunity to become examples to young and old, male and female.

2. They are an object lesson of what Peter means: 1 Pet. 5:6. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: